Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2017


Yesterday, i should went to the event called world tournament at school. i was unable to attend, because there is an event at my neighborhood. the event to commemorate the birthday of independence day of indonesia to seventy two years. so, i will tell you about the event that i did.

Friday,  after school is over i attend a meeting the committe sacrifice. After the meeting is over, i decided to go to my board and prepare myself to go back home. i return to home use train. arrived at Bandung railway station at 16.52 while the train set at 16.57 . that was to close, because if i late then i have to wait the next train. And i arrived at Rancaekek railway station at 17.50 more or less, then my father pick me up.

The next morning, i woke up at 08.00 then do my usually routine . after all my morning routine finished me with my other friends are going to decorate stage. here a photo when us decorate the stage.
 we finished decorate the stage at 13.00, after a mini break i went to cake shop, to took orders. at 16.00, children gathered to get ready dress up for the show tonight. so with me, tonight i got a job as a host with two of my other friends. therefore i also did some make up. i wear kebaya ( javanese blouse) tonight.

The event start at 19.40 until 23.30, a lot of appearances shown by children, such as traditional dance and modern dance. therea are band performance, vocal grup and many more. Head of the village also present to participate this event. woah very exciting momment. Here some photos, at event

 thankyou for my sister for help me totake this photo.

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